By request, here is the rare and now out-of-print 1983
Rarities album. CD copies in good condition often sell for around $50, so here's your chance to get it for free! All songs are interesting, and even if some of them are available elsewhere, it's still a must-have. And, um, the cover is quite nice. ;)
By the way, this is the Japanese version, with the 3 "medleys" as additional tracks.
Enjoy this one!
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Thanks! I bought this on 8-track along time back on ebay.
This will be much nicer.thank you
Wow!! What a nice surprise! Thanks!!
thanks very much.
everything you do here is amazing and so kind, please never stop!!
thx, i've been looking for this cd for ages
Thanks a lot, it would be nice to have it at 192Kb/s or better. :)
This has to be the best album I've got in a long time. Listened to it 3 times in a row last night! Fantastic!!! Thanks so much!!!!
Glad you like it! More uploads soon!
Thanks alot Zap - I can see why the tag on IWM2LH was dropped...!
Shame its only 128kbps... ;-)
will anyone be kind enough to upload brian wilson - "in my room" bootleg? thanks..
Hey - where d'you get THAT recording from dude ??!!!!!!
From a very, very, very nice guy! Thanks to him again! ;)
Many thanks for the generosity, too bad Capitol doesn't release this again...in some place other than Japan.
I hope you upload (if you have it) some day the SOT Smile Source Tape material. I may not be the only one who would be grateful.
I have it, but it seems to be already available at the "Let's Make It!" blog (check the links in the side bar)
I actually have the original record, bought it many years ago while CDs were still a new form of media and this download eliminates the necessity for me to buy one of those turntables to hook up to a computer to record the record. Thanks for the link.
Some of the links have expired. Can these be reposted. Thanks
If *some* of the links have expired, *others* are still working. Hence, no need for a repost!
Copies go for that much? It's not especially rare or vintage. At one time I think it was common to find it at retail as a budget or cutout item. Still has some nice stuff on it, though.
hello Linear Zap,
having downloaded 20 SOT volumes from you over the last few days, it's about time I expressed my gratitude - thank you a zillion.
wonderful to see that some links (rapidshare & badongo)are still working 2 years after you posted them.
the SOT sets barely made it Australia and were extraordinarily pricey when seen. I managed to get a couple of Best Ofs the Unsurpassed Masters series but that was it. I never knew I wanted/needed 10 versions of She Knows Me Too Well, but now I do.(the bootleggers being bootlegged - gotta love that)
I got this Rarities LP when it came out in the 80s, lovely to have it digitally done for me. Thank you again.
Have you fellows ever seen the 1981Australian Brian Wilson/BBs Rarities LP that preceded it? Had some really rare (at that point) stuff like The Survivors, Glen Campbell, Honeys, Sharon Marie, Dennis Wilson & Rumbo, + The BBs doing What'd I Say live in Sydney from jan 1964 with Mike Love on Sax and BW on lead vocal. Still have my vinyl copies of both LPs.
Thanks again for yuor wonderful efforts, especially in keeping the links current for latecomers like me.
smithy in Sydney
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