
BW - The Like In I Love You

Here's the first excerpt from Brian's forthcoming "Reimagines Gershwin" album, a song called "The Like In I Love You" (based on the yet-unreleased 1924 composition "Will You Remember Me"). You can definitely tell Brian's added his own twist to Gershwin's tune, but in my opinion, the most remarkable thing is Brian's voice, which seems to be in top shape!

Here's the song as a 160k mp3, directly ripped from Brian's website. Buy the album when it comes out!

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martin said...

Thanks man. Loving it.

BTW, Good to see you're back

Anonymous said...

Under the leadership of Scott Bennett, it appears that Brian has been recording theatrical sounding music. That is a perfectly valid road to take and yet I cannot help but feel Brian's own songs like "Message Man" and "Believe In Yourself" would be his musical output these years. No complaints either way from me.

beloved aunt said...

the whole things out there now, man, and its stunning me at this moment.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there are any tracks, recording sessions, etc, for "Ol' Man River" available anywhere? All I can find is in a few places a brief mention that BW made some extensive recordings of this piece. I already have the version from 20/20 and the one that was on "The Fantastic Mr. Fox." Would love to hear more.

BTW, this site is awesome. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sea of tunes links. Superb stuff.

JMZ said...

Bip, bip, bip ... C'est JMZ, on s'est parlés sur le forum "Smiley Smile", mais comme il a été hacké récemment, je ne sais pas comment te joindre !
Si ça t'intéresse, j'ai terminé mon mix, j'aimerais bien que tu y jètes une oreille.
